Usagi Sailor Moon - Pen Handwriting
"meow!" - Notepad X _
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write stuff here!! :3

note: try dragging the tabs around! ^w^ (doesn't work on mobile)
moroboshikirari.gif X _

quiz_stuff X _
Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?
Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?
Hosted By Anime

Which Madoka Magica Girl Are You?
Which Madoka Magica Girl Are You?
Hosted By Anime

What Warrior Cat Are You?
What Warrior Cat Are You?
Hosted By Anime

What Is Your Gender Expression?
Your Result: Quite Feminine
You are between androgyny and femininity. If you're a woman, you still fit inside the female norm, so you won't have many problems from this direction. If you're a man, you might be called "metrosexual". Some people will think that's cool, others (more conservative) might hate on you. If you're gay, you fit the stereotype a bit, so some people may say "I knew it". No matter what, be yourself. If you're nonbinary, you are still in the androgyny zone. However, some people may still see you as a girl. It might be easier if you are assigned male or identify as a demigirl (part female, part neutral). On the other hand, who cares what people think? You do you.
Very Feminine
Quite Masculine
Very Masculine
What Is Your Gender Expression?
about_me.txt X _
what.txt X _
idk why i even made this one becuase i have no idea what to put here